Code of Conduct

Company United Czech Engineering s.r.o. is a progressive Czech company working in the area of engineering industry. Our main aim is to support and develop Czech business as a part of cooperation with international partners.  The company strives for the long-lasting maintenance of a good name of the organisation and all participating parties as a part of complex activities of delivering orders.

Moral values, transparency, ethics and a feel for a good thing form basic principles of our business activities. Company success is a work of individual effort and approach. Therefore, we have created a set of principles and rules all members of the organisation respect.

The provisions involve:

A correct relationship with customers

The Company undertakes to comply with the terms and conditions of the business. We are aware of the need to provide complete orders in required quality and on time. We guarantee full information for our customers during business relationships.

Correct relationships with suppliers

Selecting of suppliers takes place in accordance with the business competition rules. The conditions agreed with suppliers are always fulfilled. We refuse discrimination of individual companies and strive for absolutely open manner and cooperation, profitable for both parties to business.

Ensuring rights and obligations of our employees

A right to do work belongs to all regardless gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnic origin, nationality, citizenship, social origin, descent, language, health state, age, religion or faith, property, marital and family state or obligation to family, political or other thinking, membership and activity in political parties or political movements, in trade unions or employers´ organisations, discrimination is also considered to be any action involving incitement, instigation or invoking pressure leading to discrimination (also including the so-called mobbing). We eliminate any forms of forced labour. We do not allow child labour.

Environment protection

We care to maintain the environment protection principles, not only by recycling waste but also by maintaining correct handling with dangerous waste, such as oils, emulsions etc. The company is consistently interested in improving the quality of environment, and in our business activities, we respect valid norms for the area of waste, emissions etc.

Respecting competition

We care about concrete relationships and we never damage reputation of our competitors. We care for our employees to be respectful when in touch with competition and to respect confidentiality of business and other information. The company does not attempt by any way to obtain information about competition business, and we do not use restrictive business practise, nor we use our position on the market in any way.

Complying with the legislation of the Czech Republic

The company strictly complies with valid legislation of the country it works in. We pay special attention to a principle that the company refrains from financing any political party or political activity and it refuses any form of active or passive corruption.

Rejecting corruption and discrimination

In business competition, we act freely within the scope of internationally respected rules of fair trade. We use our approach and manners to create the atmosphere of trust and correctness in business relationships.

Positive influence of public

Our company is greatly interested in positively influencing its large environment. Good quality and timely deliveries, reliability, communication, feel for fair approach and joining efforts within the cooperation processes constitute completion of our efforts for the input resources to pay off, for development of business nearby and growth of national economy.

The Ethical Codex of the Company is not a generally binding regulation, nor a internal regulation of the Company.